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Landscapes, History, Artworks, Performance


MetropolitanArt is an exciting journey through historical and metropolitan architecture, landscapes and artworks, where visitors become the protagonists of a collective adventure.

An innovative project of education, research and cultural production: creative workshops, walkscapes, visits to museums…

An exciting journey

The 2020 edition, heavily penalized by the health emergency, developed throughout the year with workshops, meetings, creative workshops in collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Castello di Rivoli, the GAM – Civic Art Gallery Modern and Contemporary in Turin, the Reggia di Venaria, the PAV Parco Arte Vivente – Experimental Center of Contemporary Art and the museum of Palazzo Madama.

The results of all the work carried out have been organized into three “digital objects” that we are pleased to publish and present here:
> video editing of the overall project
> Reaction performance video trailer
> the virtual exhibition Assenza Essenza